I have to start out by saying that I kind of have to laugh at the timing of Grace's arrival. Kyler was born one day early and Norah was born on her due date, so I was kind of assuming she would just follow suit, right? :) The other thing I have to laugh at is the night before her arrival, it was a Wednesday night, and we had gone to church for dinner. Several people had asked how I was doing, feeling, etc., and I kept saying the same thing, "not too bad, a bit uncomfortable, but I just hope she waits until after Saturday to arrive because my mom is out of town at a conference for the next two days". Little did I know that she would be here in the next 24 hours! :) Anyways, I went to bed Wednesday night, and woke up about 1:00 am on Thursday. I had been waking up in the middle of the night for some time now, so I didn't really think anything of it, rolled over to try to get comfortable and go back to sleep. However, I couldn't quite get back to sleep and a little before 2:00, I thought that my water might have broke. I wasn't sure, so after waiting for a bit, I decided to get up and use the restroom. After trying to decide if my water was really broke or not, I started to get nervous, so I woke up Erik. By this time it was after 2:00 am. He suggested I call labor and delivery, and I said that I knew they would tell me to come in. After some debate, I called about 2:30, and they said, "how soon can you get here" and I said, "as soon as we can get someone to watch our kids!". So, Erik called his parents, and his dad answered. Erik told him we needed to go to the hospital, and his dad replied with, "good luck", and Erik said, "no, we need someone to come over here and stay with Kyler and Norah". So, as soon as Craig arrived, we were out the door. My last words were, "hopefully, we'll be back!" :) Anyways, we arrived at the hospital a little after 3:00 and went to triage. I had to lay down for a bit because if I was ruptured, the aminiotic fluid would pool and they would be able to tell. The nurse, who also helped deliver Norah, came back and took one look and said, "yep, you're definately ruptured, today is baby day!". I was still slightly confused, because this was totally opposite my labor with Kyler and Norah. With both of them, I had contractions for a long time before I went to the hospital and then they broke my water the rest of the way at the hospital when I was towards the end of labor. I was also confused because I didn't think I was having any contractions. However, while lying there, hooked up to the monitors, the nurse said, "did you feel that?" and I was like, "yeah, a little bit" (it just felt like some pressure), she goes, "you just had a contraction". Also to keep in mind, at my appoitment on Tuesday (two days prior), I was only dialated to about 1 cm, and when the nurse checked me at the hospital when we got there, I was still only at about 1 cm. So, she suggested we start walking the halls to get things going. I was slightly nervous when I heard this as all I could think about was how long this was going to take, and I wanted to try to have a natural birth again, and didn't want any petosin, which I thought I might have to have if things didn't start to get going. So, about 4:00 am, Erik and I started walking the halls and making loops around labor and delivery. :) They got us checked in, and in a room, and a while later Erik went and got our stuff from the van, since we would obviously be staying. :) It took a while, but soon I was having some noticable contractions. We walked and walked, people kept joking we were going to wear down the carpet with how many loops we took. We also sat in our room for a bit and rested since we had both gotten about 2 and 3 hours of sleep. About noon, I asked to be checked again, but I was only at about 3 cm. I was a bit disappointed as contractions were starting to get uncomfortable, and I didn't know how long it would take to get fully dialated. However, after noon things started to really pick up. The doctors "switched" at noon, so shortly after, the doctor on call came in and talked to me to see how things were going. The doctor and the nurses kept asking if I wanted to get in the bath or do something else, as I was definatley uncomfortable by now. In my head the bath sounded nice, but I was so afraid that if I got in, I wouldn't be able to get back out. :) I think they then checked me around 2:30 or 3:00 and I was maybe at 8 cm. A little after 3:00, they convinced me to get in the bath. I was in the bath for about 5 min, and had about 2 hard contractions and then I had to push. So, the nurses and Erik got me out of the bath and back in bed. Everyone came rushing in to get ready for delivery. I remember pushing for about 10 to 15 min or so, and then at 4:04 Miss Grace arrived! There were times when I really questioned whether or not I could do it naturally again, but I knew that once she was here, it would be all over, and we made it!