Oh my, where has the time gone, in just one month, our little Miss will be 2! Norah is still in the "I DO DO IT!!"stage very much. And that's exactly how she says it too. :) She wants to do everything herself, and if you try to help her first, she quickly reminds you that she needs to do it herself! She also wants to be doing everything Kyler is doing or playing. Norah has discovered that if Kyler has something, she needs either the same thing, or something very similar to it. We discovered this month that Norah can count to 13. Well, she didn't start at one though, but one night at dinner, Kyler counted to 5 and then Norah took off from there and did 6 through 13. I'm sure we will soon hear her go from 1-13. :) We are working on colors, but she isn't very good with those yet. Norah loved celebrating Christmas and everything that went with it. She loved opening presents and knew exactly what to do. She loved looking at all the Christmas lights and would yell "Cissmas lights!!" whenever we were driving around town and she saw some on a house. She was very sad when we took our tree down and kept asking, "tree go?". And then we would try to explain that it was time to take it down and we put it outside in the front yard so daddy can take it to the transfer station. :) Here are some pictures of Norah at 23 months!
23 Months Old!
One of Norah's many faces :)
Snow bunny :)
Playing with her orange
Hanging with Kyler
Ready to head out into the snow!
Checking out the new shovels Daddy bought :)
Playing trains with Kyler!
Kyler jumped in bed with Norah one morning and I ran to grab the camera :)
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