"Who hears these words of mine & puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, & the winds blew & beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine & does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, & the winds blew & beat against that house, & it fell with a great crash."

Matthew 7:24-27

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kyler's Birthday Parties

We had two birthday parties for Kyler.  The first one we had was the Saturday right after his actual birthday.  We invited just family to this party.  Two of my cousins live close by and have always invited my extended family to their kids' parties, so we always include my extended family and Erik's immediate family for this party.  It was a great evening!  We had about 25 people come to help Kyler celebrate turning 3.  The weather was kind of cool and rainy, but we still were able to have fun. :)  We started the party with a dinner of pulled pork sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, fruit, chips and relishes.  After dinner we all hung out for a while, and then Kyler opened presents.  After presents, we had cake and ice cream.  Both of our parents were the last guests to leave, and I think they left around 8:30 or 9:00.  We were even lucky enough to have our friend Lauren stop by, who was back from Des Moines for the weekend! :)  We are so blessed to have our families so close and they blessed Kyler very much by benign here to share his special day and by the gifts they brought for him.  Here are some pictures from the first party!

Train Cake!!

Henry and Geneva! (Geneva babysat me after I was born!) 

Most of the kids! 

Opening presents :)  Cars guys! 

Still opening presents :) 

Deciding what to open next...

The "crowd" :)

My two Uncles working on Kyler's remote control dump truck :)

Kyler's rubber band riffle :)  Made by Henry!!

Blowing out his candles! (Funny story...we had a box of candles, frosting, etc. from my parent's house, and so Erik just grabbed 3 candles out of a box...come to find out they were trick candles) :)

Birthday boy enjoying his cake!

Birthday Party #2
We had a "kid" party for Kyler the Friday after his "family" party.  We haven't quite gotten to the stage of inviting 8 or 10 friends over, but Kyler does have some friends he enjoys to play with, so we invited a couple families over for the evening.  The Reisetters and the Williams' came over to our house to help Kyler celebrate with his friends.  We had a yummy meal of homemade pizza, salad, fruit, and chips when everyone first got there.  After dinner, all the kids wanted to play outside, so they headed out to the back yard for a while.  After playing for a bit, we all came back in and Kyler opened presents and then we enjoyed some cake and ice cream.  We are so thankful for the buddies and the families that Kyler has and loves to play with.  We appreciate you coming over and  helping Kyler celebrate turning 3!  Here are some pictures from the "kid" party! :)

Ahnie and Norah waiting to eat!

Brett and the Kids :)

Kyler and Jillian enjoying their pizza!

Playing outside...

Mason heading down the slide :)

Opening presents...

Tow Mater!

And an Ant Farm!!

We are so grateful for everyone who helped celebrate Kyler's 3rd birthday!!  Thanks again!!!

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