Grace turned 15 months old on January 17th. At her 15 month check-up, she weighed 19 lbs 7 oz, and was 29.5 inches long. I'm not sure how accurate this really is because she was NOT happy to be weighed and measured, but this is what we got. :) Grace still isn't walking yet, but we really think she could if she wanted to. She will take five or six steps, sometimes when she's in a really good mood, you can get her to go farther, but again, it all depends on her mood. :) Sometimes you stand her up and ask her to walk to you and she won't' even stand up for you…. :) But, she loves to push her stroller around the house like a crazy lady, and she has enough balance to be pushing her stroller one way, stop, swing it around 180 degrees, and then continue on her way going the opposite direction…..yet she won't walk! :) Grace continues to amaze me with her understanding of what we are saying to her. She is pretty good at following simple directions and will do what you ask her to do. She loves to put on other people's things, and you can often find her out in the front entry way trying on hats and mittens. :) It's really funny to see what she comes out wearing. :) She continues to love to be doing what Kyler and Norah are doing. If they are playing in the other room, she thinks she is just the coolest person if she is in there playing with them. She still takes two naps a day, one for 45-60 min in the morning, and another for 1 -11/2 hrs in the afternoon. Although, if she sleeps late enough in the morning, its really hard to get her to take a morning nap, so I can see we may be heading in that direction. Grace still only has 6 teeth, but the two bottom ones on the side are starting to come through and I can fell all of her molars in the back. She loves to wave at people and say "bee" for bye-bye, any time someone is driving by, she starts waiving at them. She also is really good at signing and saying "more". She does this whenever she wants something. Also, when we were up at the cabin she started saying "Harley" (mom and dad's dog), she says "harlah", it's funny. Here are some pictures from the past month!
15 months old!
So excited! :)
Wearing a hat and pushing her baby :)
Another hat she found….
Checking out Norah's baby crib
Wearing her "pretties" :)
Found a nice place to sit….in the shoes!
Hi Mom!
Just hanging out….
Being silly :)
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