Miss Grace was 5 months old on March 17th! Hard to believe we are almost half way through her first year! Grace definitely mastered the art of rolling from back to tummy this past month. She now rolls that way almost every time we lay her on her back. I haven't seen her do it in her sleep yet, but I have seen her sleeping on her side. She also rolled from tummy to back for the first time this month. She is not as good at going that way yet, and has only done it a couple times. Usually she rolls from back to tummy then hangs out on her tummy for a while, then gets mad when she's had enough and wants someone to help her. :) She is now also really good at holding her head up when she's on her belly. She has had great control of her head for a while, but I think this past month it has really improved being on her belly. Another thing I have noticed this past month is that Grace is trying really hard to sit up from laying down. Whether she's laying flat on the floor, in her car seat, the bouncy seat or the swing, I will look over at her and she will be lifting her head off the ground like she's going to try to do a sit-up. :) So, I guess it's time to put some of these things away. :) We think Grace is starting to figure out a little bit what to do with her hands. She will sometimes see something then try to reach for it and grab onto it. Other times she will just be reaching her hand out and feel something and then grab on. She loves to chew and suck on her hands, quite frequently you will find them in her mouth. She has also started to become more vocal this past month. Sometimes she will be sitting somewhere and then just go "Ahhhhhhhh" fairly loud. We think she's just trying to compete with her big brother and sister. :) We haven't tried any cereal yet, we will wait until 6 months. I waited until then with Norah and things just seemed to be so much easier waiting. Grace still likes to sleep in the Ergo during the day, and still does pretty well at night, going longer stretches. She refuses to take a pacifier so I'm trying to figure out the best way to get her to nap in her bed during the day to be able to keep herself asleep and sooth herself. She still is very laid back and goes with the flow most of the time! Here are some pictures from the past month!
5 Months!
Not so sure about this hat mom...
Checking out the TV :)
Quite the crew :)
3/10-Rolled from tummy to back for the first time
We got out the jumperoo this month!
Hi Mom!
3/1-Rolled from back to tummy for the second time :)
Hanging out with her big sister!
Watching all the action at Norah's birthday party
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